Manufacture of textile products

NC industry co.,ltd

NC industry co.,ltd

We would like to offer our hole-drilling technology for the decoration (designs and gradations) of automotive interior parts. Specifically, we specialize in the micro-processing of leather (genuine, synthetic, and artificial) for covering car seats, door panels, and more. Our target customers are automobile manufacturers, car seat manufacturers, and surface material manufacturers in Europe and the United States.
Area of Interest
  • North America
  • Central and South America
  • Europe
  • Southeast Asia


Allowed or subject to conditions

SDGs we are working on
1.No poverty 3.Good health and well-being 5.Gender equality 8.Decent work and economic growth 9.Industry, innovation, infrastructure 10.Reduced inequalities 13.Climate action

Registered Keyword
Our drilling process does not require a die. For small production, high-quality holes can be drilled in synthetic leather, artificial leather, and genuine leather. For mass production, we will provide a proposal according to the customer’s needs. Different hole diameters can be machined, allowing multiple hole sizes to be machined in a single sheet. This allows for more vivid designs and gradations. We can also machine holes with a diameter of 0.8 mm or less, or a narrow pitch of 5 mm or less between holes.

PERFORATION Drill hole processing
PERFORATION Drill hole processing
PERFORATION Drill hole processing
PERFORATION Drill hole processing
Hole Hole Hole