Information services

Biome Inc.

Biome Inc.

To conserve biodiversity, we are working to create a biological information platform by gathering real-time information on the distribution of creatures around the world through a smartphone app and building big data.
We developed AI technology to determine the names of creatures from photos to create a system that allows anyone to conduct biological surveys. Biome is an app that allows users to enjoy collecting photos of creatures as though they were playing a game and BiomeSurvey is an app intended for biological surveys. BiomeViewer is a species map that utilizes the data obtained through these apps, one of the largest real-time data sets in Japan. We have been working with a wide range of businesses and local governments, which include providing basic biological data necessary for conservation, supporting businesses in TNFD compliance and OECMs certification, promoting awareness of environmental conservation, and supporting invasive species control measures.
We plan to expand our business to Southeast Asia and other countries, as well as within Japan, to help build a nature-positive society.
Area of Interest
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Southeast Asia


Not allowed

SDGs we are working on
14.Life below water 15.Life on land

Registered Keyword
With AI that can determine the names of creatures from photo information as our core technology, we have created a mostly unprecedented system that allows even people without knowledge of creatures to conduct biological surveys with a smartphone app to accumulate data on creatures in any area on earth.
Our services include assistance in conducting event-based biological surveys with Biome, our game-like app with social features that allows users to collect photos of creatures around them in a fun way, BiomeSurvey, an app that can be customized for more specialized biological surveys, and BiomeViewer, a tool listed in TNFD’s Tools Catalog that can determine species distribution in different areas based on our big data and advanced analysis technology.
