We produce clean lettuce year-round without the use of pesticides. We also began operations of Techno Farm Fukuroi, which has one of the largest daily production capacities in the world at 10 tons.
80% of all processes are automated. The throughput yield is 97%. Developed a water recycling technology that reduces consumption by 96.6% compared to open fields.
Sales of lettuce, primarily to domestic supermarkets, also surpassed 100 million servings. We are also conducting research and development on strawberries, meat alternatives, and grains. Area of Interest
Allowed or subject to conditions
SDGs we are working on
1.No poverty2.Zero hunger3.Good health and well-being8.Decent work and economic growth9.Industry, innovation, infrastructure10.Reduced inequalities12.Responsible consumption, production13.Climate action15.Life on land17.Partnerships for the goals
Registered Keyword
■ Techno Farm, a next-generation agricultural production system
Automated botanical factory based on more than 10 years of know-how cultivated at the Kameoka Plant.
We have implemented automated cultivation, water recycling technologies, environmental control technologies, special LED lighting for botanical factories, IoT, AI, and other technologies.
We will promote sustainable agriculture as an essential technology for the future of food production.