We manufacture and sell various research reagents based on immunoassay and hepatitis B virus antigen production technologies. Major products include: (1) Signal boosters: enhancing antigen/antibody reactions (ELISA, Western blot, immunostaining, etc.); (2) MAD-related products: reagent kits that enhance ELISA, Western blot, etc. by combining with primary antibodies; and (3) Various antigens for the hepatitis B virus and various ELISA kits.
We also develop vaccines using our unique antigen production technologies. Area of Interest
North America
East Asia (excluding China)
Allowed or subject to conditions
SDGs we are working on
5.Gender equality9.Industry, innovation, infrastructure12.Responsible consumption, production
Registered Keyword
We manufacture and sell the following research reagents based on our immunoassay technologies and production technologies for hepatitis B virus surface antigens.
Research reagents: immunoassay-related reagents (antigen/antibody reaction enhancing reagents, Western blot kits and ELISA construction kits based on our proprietary technology, various blocking agents, markers, chromogenic reagents, etc.), protein-related reagents (staining solutions), Western automated systems, hepatitis B virus-related reagents (various antigens, peptides, antibodies, ELISA kits, etc.)
We also develop vaccines such as hepatitis B prophylactic vaccine, hepatitis B therapeutic vaccine based on our unique production technology for hepatitis B virus surface antigens.